Monday, April 21, 2014

Best Types of Air Purifers

There are four types of air purifiers you will come across when looking for the best air purifier for your home:

  •  HEPA
  • IONIC 
  • Carbon 
  • Ultra Violet
Each one has pros and cons including what type of airborne toxins it can eliminate.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Video Reviews of Air Purifiers

Here are a few videos that show reviews for some popular air purifiers. Take a look and decide if you like what these devices can do or if you would rather have a device that does something more.

Ionic Breeze

HoneyWell HEPA

UV Purifier

Let us know your own review

Tell us what you thought about these air purifiers by leaving a comment with your own air purifier review below.

Why Some People Don't Like Air Purifiers

Ionizers and Ozone Generators

Ionizing and ozone air purifiers have encountered pitiless feedback from purchaser bundles, buyer review magazines and even the EPA. Two cases are at the heart of the civil argument: that these sorts of air purifiers are not effective at emptying contaminants from the air and that ozone generators could harm people.

Client attempted a couple of assorted air purifiers, including More sharp Picture's Ionic Breeze. Self-sufficient researchers checked and affirmed the tests. Client Reports found that ionizing air purifiers like the Ionic Breeze made practically no measurable diminishment in airborne particles. The magazine later coordinated further tests in light of Additional sharp Picture's grievances and still ran across the Ionic Breeze to be inadequate. More sharp Picture's case against Purchaser Reports was hurled out, and the association was forced to pay more than an extensive share of a million dollars to cover Buyer Reports' legal overheads.

Some Ozone Release But Not to Worry

Take a look at this PDF download regarding Ionizers and Ozone Generators.

All ionizing purifiers make some ozone, yet ozone generators are especially planned to release the gas, and in much greater sums than ionizing purifiers. The EPA states, "For the most part low entireties [of ozone] can bring about midsection torment, hacking, shortness of breath, and, throat unsettling influence. Ozone may in like manner compound unending respiratory diseases, for instance, asthma and deal the capacity of the body to fight respiratory ailments" [source]. Their studies indicated that really when used as expressed by maker rules, various ozone-making purifiers made ozone centers in a house in wealth of open wellbeing breaking focuses. They moreover found that ozone as used as a piece of a family air purifier "has negligible potential to clear indoor air contaminants." They similarly noted that ozone has a tendency to react with chemicals and structure by-things that are potentially respectably more hazardous.

The EPA's keep going proposal on the matter: "individuals all in all is taught to use exhibited schedules regarding controlling indoor air defilement." Ozone generators are not around the showed methods recorded on its site.

For more information check out this document produce by the Connecticut Government on Ozone Generators.

What an Air Purifier is

An air purifier is any contraption used to clear structure, smoke, dust, pet dander and dissimilar poisons and allergens from the air. The most pervasive sort of air purifier for at-home utilize are High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) channels. Right away utilized all around WWII to get radioactive dust, HEPA channels physically clean the air by "getting" the microorganisms and harmful substances as air passes through them. Set up for HEPA channels to be proficient, all the air inside a room or building must enter through the channel.

In the US, HEPA channels are controlled by US Department of Energy. Any things stamped as "HEPA-sort" or "99% HEPA" don't meet this vital and ought to be acquired with alert, if whatsoever.

HEPA channels can't purge gasses, smells or infections from the air, however there are unique sorts of purifiers that can evacuate these humbler particles. Ionizing purifiers, for example, discharge electrically charged particles which append themselves to debasements like magnets. Needy upon the gadget, these particles that are discharged could be fluid or gas. The fluid particles will fundamentally hold the toxic substances, while the gas particles will clear the poisons by taking them to a charged plate inside the air purifier to "sort out" of them. There is no upkeep for immediate trade this kind of purifier since most can essentially be wiped down with foamy water or cleaned with a vacuum affiliation.

Here is a video that shows some things companies don't want you to know about air purifiers.

Propelled carbon channels can besides be utilized to channel out damaging gasses or fragrances. These air refining channels are generated out of charcoal that is treated with oxygen. This system makes incalculable pores that ingest gasses and smells much like a wipe. It is an outcome of this osmosis, that divert swap is basic keeping in mind the end goal to keep up practicality.

There is besides a system called photocatalytic oxidation that could be utilized close by a HEPA channel to better decontaminate the air. In this technique, ultraviolet (UV) shafts are used to butcher any sullyings or germs that were not trapped by the channel.

One last sort of air purifier is an ozone generator. Ozone generators discharge a great deal of oxygen to cleanse a space from ruinous poisons made by veritable structure, mold and minute natural substances issues. This is seen as a "deaden pharmaceutical" and is generally finished fiscally and in uninhabited spaces.

A few things to consider when getting an air purifier join space, out of pocket, tumult and ozone. The more terrific the room, the more terrific the surface of the channel will need to be. In like manner, you'll have to submit a more excellent district to your purifier.

Plainly, cost will be a fundamental issue when purchasing an air purifier. Introducing a HEPA channel air purifier into a HVAC skeleton may be worth the out of pocket to some, not to others. Likewise the use of station or fundamental buy, think about the progressing risk of channel development.

A substitute variable to think about is confusion. Air purifiers are open both with fans and without. Picking a quieter, fanless model will mean surrendering some profit since fans cause the air to course and channel all the more rapidly.

List of Air Purifier Companies

We thought it would be a good idea to show you a list of all of the different companies that build air purifiers. This can give you a good idea of how hard it is for us to provide great air purifier reviews.

As you can see below, there are over 20 companies that deliver air purifiers, not to mention how many different models they have for each type.

  • Alive
  • Alen A350
  • Alen A375UV
  • Alen T300
  • Amway Atmosphere
  • Austin Air Healthmate
  • Bell Howell
  • Bionaire
  • Blueair
  • Ecoquests
  • Flairs by Ecoquest
  • Friedrich C 90A
  • Holmes
  • Honeywell 50250
  • Ionic Breeze
  • Oasis
  • Oreck
  • Rabbit
  • Rabbit MinusA2
  • Sharp FPP40CX Plasmacluster
  • Sharp Plasmacluster FPN60CX
  • Vornados
  • Whirlpool Whispure 450
  • Winix 
But, don't let this large list scare you for when you want to buy an air purifier. Like with most products, there are some companies and models that outshine most of the others. And, this is the they types of things that we we share with on on this blog.

Our air purifier reviews are unbiased and up-to-date. So, sit back and relax while we do all of the reviewing work for you!

Air Purifier Reviews and the Best Air Purifiers

Our purpose for this blog is to provide you with unbiased air purifier reviews and best air purifiers recommendations and ratings so that you can get the best air purifier for your family.

Did you know that the indoor air quality in many homes is 2-5 times worse than the quality of air tested outside? Its true. According to the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) indoor air pollution is the number one environmental concern in the United States.

Do You Know How an Air Purifier Works?

Here is a simple diagram on how a common air purifier is designed and works. The process is quite simple. This diagram below shows how multiple layers of filters are combined to purify the air from toxins. Air gets pulled through each filter, one by one, getting cleaner and cleaner with every pass. Air that goes through once gets cleaned, and then when it comes back through again it gets even more clean until it is almost one  hundred percent pure from contaminants.

Air Purifier Reviews Chart

How Air Purifier Reviews are Conducted

Reviewing the best air purifiers can be a tough job to do well because there are so many different types of air purifiers for you to buy. Different technologies include Carbon Filtering, UV Filtering, HEPA Filtering and Ionic Filtering (also known as Ionizers.)

However, its important that we put the time and energy into air purifier reviews so that you can feel confident that you are able to find a unit that works perfectly in your house or business.

The most important aspects when reviewing air purifiers is to look at the ACH Rating, CADR Rating, Room Size Coverage and of course the Price of the purifier.

The ACH will tell you how many times the air is filtered and replenished inside the room that the air purifier is placed in.

The CADR rating tells you how good the air purifier filters three types of things: dust, pollen and tobacco smoke. It is independently tested and certified by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), mentioned at the beginning of this post. This is extremely important when trying to find the best air purifiers for a home or business.

Room Size Coverage is also extremely important when reviewing air purifiers because it tells you how large or small of an area that the purifier can cleanse. Most commonly you will find devices that purify rooms as small as 100 sq. ft. up to 500 sq. ft. More expensive units can cover areas of up to 3,500 square feet, but most people looking for a unit for their home won't need this large of a purifier because the space is just too large.

One of the Best Air Purifiers

Finally, price is always a major concern for most buyers. Not everyone can afford a $500 air purifier. However, many homeowners can afford a purifier that is between $100-200. Fortunatley, devices within this price range are perfect for home use because they cover room areas between 150-300 square feet, which is great for most rooms built in the United States.

One thing we don't review with air purifiers is the design or color of the unit. This is because everyone's opinion on what looks best is subjective. Therefore, its best for you to look at the device and choose for yourself if it would work well within  your house or business. But, don't let that be the final deciding factor. What is most important really is the ACH and CADR. A good looking unit that only filters a room 2 times per hour and has low CADR scores is probably a waste of money.

Instead, find a unit that is Energy Star qualified, has good ACH and CADR ratings that's within the budget you want to spend.

This air purifiers reviews site will help you do just that through the posts that we put out each week. Be sure to browse around and find the information to help you in your buying decision.